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密西西比工作室/ Waechter建筑/ KPFF咨询工程师/照片Lara Swimmer

WoodWorks’ Wood in Architecture awards recognize excellence in mass timber, light-frame wood, and hybrid building design, 庆祝设计团队以创新的方式使用木材对环境产生积极影响, occupants, and their communities.

Important Dates

随时了解WoodWorks的最新消息,包括奖励计划的更新和截止日期. Sign up here to receive our communications.

Call for Nominations
Nominations are closed for 2024. Check back in December 2024 for the 2025 nomination dates.
Awards Presentation
Held in conjunction with the AIA Conference on Art & Architecture
Awards Announcement
See the winners of the 2024 Wood in Architecture awards

Nominate a Project

提交一个项目供考虑是一个很好的方式来促进你的工作和激励其他人在AEC+D社区. 木厂将通过以下方式对获奖项目进行认可和推广:

  • Award ceremony at the AIA Conference on Architecture & Design in Washington D.C. on June 6, 2024
  • Promotion via press release, social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube), WoodWorks’ blog, 以及Woodworks全国通讯(分发给100多家公司),000 AEC+D professionals)
  • Printed book featuring winning projects
  • 在木工创新网络(WIN)网站(woodworksinnovationnetwork)上获得“优胜者”称号的项目简介.org), and one-year complimentary WIN membership

Award Criteria


1. Design Excellence – 250 points

项目满足使用目标,将美学与功能设计相结合, regardless of size. Building demonstrates elegance of detailing, 以及在解决声学等技术问题方面的卓越和独创性, fire resistance, structural, and envelope performance.

2. Innovative use of Wood – 250 points

项目展示了木材在建筑类型、功能和设计上的创新使用.  考虑到当代建筑风格的表达,木制品广泛用于各种暴露或不可见的应用.

3. Sustainability & Resilience: 250 points

木材有许多属性,使其非常适合可持续和弹性的设计. It is natural and renewable, has a lower carbon impact than other structural materials, and is durable, adaptable and reusable. 它也有助于热性能和亲生物设计. 项目应展示木材如何与其他努力一起促进部分或全部这些原则,以实现高性能结构.

WoodWorks从美国建筑师协会的卓越设计框架中获得灵感, 其中包括一套指导原则,为实现零碳排放的进程提供信息, equitable, resilient, and healthy built environment.

With regard to forest certification, WoodWorks支持使用来自可持续管理森林的木材产品, 其中包括通过所有国际认可的认证项目(PEFC, SFI, ATF, FSC) and forests with equivalent management practices.

4. Market Impact: 250 points

这部分为项目团队提供了一个机会,详细说明项目如何影响社区, its cultural significance, 在非传统的建筑类型或大小中使用木材. 将特别考虑那些有可能容易复制的项目, thus positively impacting the broader design community. 还将考虑使用木材以提高成本效益和/或满足时间限制或其他项目目标的项目.

Evaluation methodology:

由建筑专业人士组成的独立评审团将根据上述标准对提交的作品进行评估, engineering, construction, and/or development (AEC+D).

Submission requirements and policies:

  • There is no cost to nominate a project.
  • Any member of the AEC+D team may submit a project; however, 设计奖项将颁发给主要的建筑公司.
  • 项目必须使用木材作为主要结构材料(墙壁、地板、框架和/或屋顶).
  • 单户住宅和建筑物以外的构筑物不符合资格. WoodWorks将建筑定义为具有屋顶和墙壁的封闭结构. Open-air pavilions and amphitheaters are not eligible.
  • 项目及其建筑公司必须位于美国.
  • Projects must be fully constructed by January 31, 2024.
  • Once a nomination is submitted, WoodWorks可将书面项目信息用于促销用途. With regard to photos, 被提名者必须有照片许可证,以便在建筑木材奖的背景下推广获奖者. 有关详情,请参阅提名表格内的照片发布及宣传选择部分.

Browse award-winning projects